
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: History Of Orientalist Manipulation Of Islam – Analysis

Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: History Of Orientalist Manipulation Of Islam – Analysis

Written by: September 14, 2011
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje
By Andreas De Vries

“According to Snouck the fundamental problem with Islam was the fact that Muslims believed in the need for Unity of State, with a Khalifah governing over all of them according to Sharia law. In a letter to Goldziher in 1886, one year after his journey to Mecca, Snouck said: “… I never had any objections to the religious elements of this institute [Islam]. Only its political influence is, in my opinion, deplorable. And as a Dutchmen especially I feel a strong need to warn against this.”

Although dead for over half a century, Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje remains a highly controversial figure in both the western and the Muslim world.